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Fernan Bilik | John Junior Kim10.03.2024 - 11.17.2024

playinghouse presents the two-artist exhibition "a branch to turn on the light", a multimedia rediscovery of the objects that populate our everyday lives. Oil paintings and light-based creations by fresh voices Fernan Bilik and John Junior Kim each transform the familiar—a candle, a coin, a house plant—into subjects of renewed wonder.

Curated by Angela Yang, Clara Leverenz, and Sophie Taylor, "a branch to turn on the light" derives its title from Bilik’s featured depiction of a light switch operated by a tree bough—a humorous, nearly surrealist extension of one’s own limbs and an encapsulation of the playful rhetoric of the exhibition. Kim echoes this sense of wonder as it relates to his light creations: “Lighting cannot be ignored … it feels marvelous, as the idiom of when a lightbulb goes off in your head suggests.”

A curious expansion of the quotidian threads through the work of these two artists, extending an open invitation to play with everyday forms in a poetic and dreamlike world.

installation view

playinghouse is an art and design platform that explores the malleable intersection of the functional, the familiar, and the inventive. Cofounded by Angela Yang, Clara Leverenz, and Sophie Taylor, playinghouse presents installations both in-person at rotating popup locations and online, spotlighting the work of multihyphenate artists.

The collective challenges the fixity of traditional art institutions in favor of the accessibility and flexibility afforded by changeable spaces and digital connection. Whether through performance or painting, sculpture or functional furniture, playinghouse strives to foster conscientious, communal, and caring looking.